Metagenics Midwest was founded in March of 1985 as the mid-western distributor for Metagenics Inc. Prior to founding the company, Jim Shaddle, had been a representative for seven years, with another nutrition company. There had been many changes and concerns about the direction of that company. Many of the key members quit their prominent positions to help form the Metagenics national family.
The beginning was meager, with just two employees and a private residence serving as the office and the two-car garage as a warehouse. All of the original profits were spent on funding the growth the company. And grow it did: consistently 20% to 30% per year.
In 1992 the West Market St. location of 2000 square feet, was bursting at the seams at which time 6500 square feet (2500 Office/ 3500 Warehouse) was leased at our current location on Prairie St., in downtown Bloomington.
Doctors continue to rave about the results they achieve with our products, and the word is spreading! Medical foods and botanicals have become a huge part of our business.
By 1996 the staff had grown to four office/warehouse employees and six sales representatives.
According to USA today, Nov 25, 1997, “Metagenics Inc…, is the largest supplier dietary supplements to doctors, chiropractors and other health-care professionals”. There has never been a company of it’s type grow as quickly as has Metagenics. By the year 2000, more space was needed, and the warehouse was expanded to 6,000 square feet and the staff had grown to six office/warehouse employees and seven sales representatives.
Not only did 2001 mark the 15th anniversary of the company, but demand for our formulas had never been greater. Metagenics Midwest was awarded top percent growth distributor, marking a 31.5% increase in purchases. Trade had doubled again and future growth potential appeared very bright. Inventory had to be increased substantially to minimize backorders.
By the end of 2002 Metagenics Midwest broke 5 million in sales. Sales staff was now at 8 full time representatives. Sales exceeded 6 million in 2004 and 7.2 million in 2005, with Metagenics Inc.’s sales approaching 100 million. Metagenics Midwest celebrated its 20th anniversary in May of 2005, with renovations and expansion at the Prairie St location (13,000 total square feet). Scott Lowder, long time office manager and controller, was appointed Vice President, in charge of operations. Another award (top percent) was received, as inventory exceeded 1 million dollars in value.
Double digit growth was achieved in both 2006 and 2007 as products and programs continued to gain momentum, and gross sales approach 9 million.
First Line Therapy, a life style education program, has become a big part of Metagenics. Doctors are excited to see patients health improve by actively assisting them in prevention rather than intervention after the fact. Greater concern and adverse reactions to medication has NOT hurt our business, in fact, quite the contrary. Expressyn products such as Kaprex for pain and Insinase for blood sugar management have worked quite well for many physicians.
As of 2010, Metagenics has been in business for 25 years. It is apparent the Prairie St address will not suit our need much longer. With an office staff of 8 and sales staff of 7, growth is impressive. Internet sales are becoming an important part of all retail trade. Thanks to an arrangement with Metagenics Inc, Metagenics Midwest made available a turnkey web sites, for doctors wishing to embrace internet sales. While not flawless, the platform allows for over 150 clients to provide patients with 24-7 access to our highly sought after products. While this has created a huge benefit, there is also the challenge of keeping control of mega sites such as Amazon. Metagenics vision is to assist the doctor in maintaining the doctor-patient relationships. It is not our goal to have faceless, nameless entities garnering Metagenics trade via Amazon or Ebay etc. While unscrupulous entrepreneur will seek opportunities, Metagenics internet compliance team has all but eliminated unfair internet practices. A new bar coding system allows us to zero in on clients not complying with web policies. To date, hundreds of clients have been disallowed access.
February of 2017 marked milestone for Metagenic Midwest. 505 N Prairie was vacated and 2406 West Market is the new home for the company. This is not only a great location (on a main artery in Bloomington) but the facility allows for more office space, more inventory, better organization of products, and room to grow. With an expanded sales team of 9 skilled and professional representatives, 2019 showed total sales of over 13M.
More clients every month continue to get excellent results with our high quality products. The Metagenics Midwest family is very proud and grateful to be the preferred supplier to thousands of health care professionals. It is our promise to continue our mission of providing the best products, education and service to the wellness minded practitioner.
Thanks you for choosing Metagenics.